Meet The 2023-2024 Team
Student Researchers

Cecilia Joshi
Duke '25
Cecilia is an undergraduate student at Duke University majoring in biology on the pre-veterinary track. She is spending one semester in Beaufort and one in Durham as a part of the whale hypoxia sub team. Her research focuses on cellular adaptations to hypoxia in deep-diving marine mammals with a focus on genetics and CRISPR techniques. Outside of school, Cecilia enjoys being outside, swimming, competing in triathlons, and learning to surf.

Kaylee McKinzie
Duke '25
Kaylee is an undergraduate student at Duke University double-majoring in Biology and Marine Science & Conservation. She is on the pre-medical track, but hopes to also pursue her marine science and environmental interests with research! After spending Spring 2023 at the Marine Lab in Beaufort, she is now back on main campus in Jason Somarelli's lab in the GSRB as a part of the whale hypoxia sub team. Her research focuses on assessing mitochondrial volume among cetacean cell lines as a cause for cellular adaptations to hypoxia in deep-diving marine mammals. Outside of school, Kaylee enjoys traversing nature, listening to podcasts, going on roadtrips with those dearest, watching films and documentaries, and is always planning/debating/researching!

Olivia Fu
Duke '26
Olivia is an undergraduate student at Duke University, with plans to pursue a major in Biology and/or Computer Science. She is involved in research at the main campus in Durham, working in Jason Somarelli's lab. She will primarily focus on examining the tolerance of marine mammal cells to hypoxia and exploring the intricate relationship between stress and hypoxia alongside Jillian. Outside the lab, Olivia enjoys playing guitar, engaging in ultimate frisbee, traveling, photography, and delving into movies.

Elza Bouhassira
Duke Law '24
Elza is a J.D. Candidate at Duke Law School and a graduate of the Sciences Po-Columbia University Dual BA Program. She hopes to pursue a career focused on environmental and climate issues.

Cat Gamard
Duke '25
Cat is an undergraduate student at Duke majoring in biology. She loves marine mammals and hopes to pursue a career in wildlife medicine. Her research focuses on the genetics, evolutionary history, and population structure of bottlenose dolphins. Outside of school, Cat enjoys reading, baking, and singing/dancing to Taylor Swift.

Nikki Read
Duke '25
Nikki is an undergraduate student at Duke majoring in Biology and Earth and Climate Science. Her research focuses on the population structure and genetics of bottlenose dolphins and the implications for conservation. Along these lines, she hopes to pursue a career in conservation biology and policy. Outside of school, Nikki enjoys photography, listening to folk music, and rewatching old sitcoms.